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Halo-gravity traction involves gently pulling the head and spine upward while slowly stretching the spine. The way doctors do this is by connecting a pulley system to a metal halo (a ring that surrounds the patient's head). To gradually pull the head forward over a period of weeks, weights are added to the pulley system. Traction is the term for this pulling. During halo-gravity traction, children remain in the hospital.

Halo-gravity traction is used by medical professionals to treat a variety of diseases, including kyphosis as well as scoliosis (curvature of the spine) spinal invagination (where the top of the spine pushes into the skull, pinching the brain and spinal cord)

Why is it done?

Halo-gravity traction gently stretches the spine into a straighter position for children with scoliosis or kyphosis. Doctors typically perform it to aid a youngster in preparing for a second, more involved procedure called spinal fusion. To keep the bones in their new, straighter position, this operation joins the bones together.

How is the Halo put on?

In a procedure performed while a youngster is under general anaesthesia, a surgeon places the halo on. This indicates that the young patient doeszes off throughout the procedure. Six to ten tiny pins are used by the surgeon to instal the halo. These pegs go into the bone and stop the halo from shifting.

What Takes Place After the Halo Is On?

The halo is placed on the head and then connected to a pulley and weight system. More weights are introduced over the course of many weeks. As a result, the muscles and ligaments (bands that hold bones together) surrounding the spine are stretched as the head and spine are gradually pulled forward.

A youngster will use specialised equipment to sleep, sit, walk, use the restroom, and take a shower during this time.

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Fusion Rehab is India’s premier provider of orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) services and products.

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Fusion Rehab is India’s premier provider of orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) services and products.